Madelein, Christophe - Persoon Promotieonderzoek: 'Het verhevene in de Nederlanden 1770-1830'.
Roggen, Lien - Persoon Promotieonderzoek: 'De religieuze embleemtraditie in de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Nederlanden in het licht van Herman Hugo's Pia Desideria'.
Vandommele, J.J.M. (Jeroen) - Persoon Promotieonderzoek: Het Antwerpse landjuweel van 1561 als spiegel van de literaire cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden rond het midden van de zestiende eeuw.
Vrije universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Centrum voor linguïstiek
- Instelling The main objective of the Centre for Linguistics (CLIN) is to promote basic research in theoretical and applied linguistics and the application of this research in the wider society. Research at CLIN addresses a broad spectrum of issues related to the structure, use, learning and teaching, historical development, and the social and political contexts of languages, particularly in reference to Dutch, French, German and English in Belgium but also other languages and settings. Recent work includes studies on morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, dialectology, sociolinguistics, sociohistorical linguistics, bilingualism and bilingual education, sign language, aphasia, second language acquisition, and methodology and practice in language teaching. Applications of research at CLIN include consultancy for private and public organisations in the areas of language and education policy, curriculum design, language teaching material development, language assessment, speech pathology, and natural language processing. The Centre has currently twenty members, eight of whom have a tenure position at the university. CLIN is part of the Departments of Germanic and Romance Languages.
Weijermars, Janneke - Persoon Promotieonderzoek: 'De Nederlandse literatuur en het literaire bedrijf in het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 1815-1830: interactie en differentiatie'.
(VNC-project van Piet Couttenier (UA) en Lisa Kuitert (UvA).
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